Sunday, January 25, 2009

Savage F-Class 6BR Review

If you want a 6BR and can't afford a custom rifle, Savage makes a very nice 6BR rifle. It's called the Savage F-Class.

Here are the specs for the Savage F-Class;

1. Chambered in 6BR

2. Savage Target Action

3. Barrel, 30", 1-8 twist, 1" in diameter all the way to muzzle, throated with a .100 lead for the long VLD bullets.

4. Laminated Grey and Black Stock with 3" forend.

5. Accu trigger adjustable from 2 pounds to 10oz. A friend of mine bought one and I was able shoot it.

Here is my review on the Savage F-Class 6BR;

1. Looks: A

2. Feel: B+

3. Action Function: C

4. Trigger Function: B+

5 Accuracy: A+

My overall opinion of this rifle is that it's an excellent factory built rifle. It's without a doubt the most accurate, out of the box, factory rifle I have ever shot. During load and accuracy testing the rifle shot two, 5 shot, 100 yard groups that measured in the .4's. I believe the rifle is capable of shooting in .3's as long as the shooter does his part, which includes reloading and using high quality reloading components. The Savage F-Class is easily a .5 MOA rifle. The only bad thing a found about the rifle, it does not eject the 6BR case very well. Many times, during shooting, the 6BR case would bind up and not eject. I think a simple visit to the gunsmith should fix the problem. If your wanting an accurate rifle for varmint hunting, long range shooting and you don't want to spend $3000.00 on a custom rifle, the Savage F-Class is an awesome choice.

The rifle was tested using a Nightforce NXS 5.5x22x56 scope, Ken Farrell 30mm Rings and a Ken Farrell 20 MOA Scope rail.

The rifle was loaded with hand loaded ammunition which consisted of the following componens;

1. Lapua 6BR Brass

2. Varget Powder

3. CCI 450 Primer

4. Hornady 105grn A-Max and Lapua 105grn Scenar.

The most accurate load tested consisted of1. Lapua Brass2. 30.3grns Varget3. CCI 450 Primer4. Hornady 105grn A-MaxThis load will push the 105grn A-Max at a velocity of 2900fps out of the Savage 30" barrel. At 500 yards it only takes 10 MOA to put the bullet on target. Well that concludes my review of the Savage F-Class rifle.


  1. I just shot a 6mm today. I think it was a old pump action remington. It was vary fun to shoot and had allot less kick than the 30-06 that I use. 6mm is what my friend as his deer rifle when wen I use a 30-06 as my deer rifle. the 6mm is allot of fun to shoot. I used hand loaded with v-max bullets in the one I shot today, they made a big hole in the frozen dirt that we used as a back stop. It was -2 degrees wen we shot today.

  2. I bought my wife her first hunting rifle last year....a Model 70 Remington 6mm. She loved the fit and the feel of the rifle before she even took one shot . I topped it off with an IOR Valdada 4x14x56 illuminated ranging reticule. Granted it made the gun a little heavier and bulkier than I wanted but it has taught her to range her deer and coyotes without the use of "finnicky" laser rangefinders.
    She has mastered the rifle and has a 10 point white tail buck taken @ 340 yds, 2 does...a muley a white tail and a 5x5 elk this year up in the Porcupine Hills @ 275 yds right in the "boiler room". One of the does she took was over 400 yds.She uses 105 Berger Hunting VLDs and I think the 115gr for the elk.
    She tried a Harris bipod but liked it better for paper shooting. She now uses a Bog Gear Tripod for all our hunting walking and horseback. Not too bad for a city girl :0) Hell she does a better job than I do and I've been hunting and shooting for over 30 years.
    I might just build myself a 6mmbr for target and coyote shooting.

    Merry Xmas everyone and may all your outdoor adventures be full of and laughter :0)

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